Arbora Nordic

Growth for individuals and companies across borders.

Hr huset 4

Growth across borders

Are you looking for experience-based professional services in change management, business or career coaching, or outplacement? Would you also prefer a provider who can help you across the Nordics? Arbora Nordic, which HR-huset is part of, can offer you all of that, with operations in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden – and beyond.

When preparing for the future in the present, in the middle of the work-life transformation, companies need to put a special focus on their capabilities and competencies, people and culture. This might well require organizational changes that directly have an impact on people. Support is often Leadership support, Professional Coaching support or Exit support (outplacement).

HR-huset offer impactful solutions that support growth, renewal and in situations of change and transfer. Benefiting both our customer´s business and personnel.

We are proud to be part of Arbora Nordic, which is known for:

  • A deep understanding of the four Nordic markets and cultures
  • Agile, entrepreneurial mindset
  • Professional service innovation and design
  • A reputation for quality and results
  • Experienced, professiona coaches and councelors
  • Value for money solutions
  • One point of contact for your Nordic (and beyond) assignment, or four points if you prefer

Our unique approach

We at HR-huset AS, or at any other Arbora member company, don’t believe in ‘one size fits all’-solutions. We know that every company, every individual, every country, and every industry needs a unique approach.

We believe in agility, clear objectives and measurable results – ensured through strong local market and culture understanding.

Areas of expertise

Leadership development - We can help you develop your team of leaders

Outplacement - Help to a better transition after employement

Career services - Help to achieve your career goals

Assistance for expats - Navigate a foreign country’s jobmarket


90 % rate our professional services as very good or excellent
97 % would recommend us
85 % of job seekers resettle during the programme.

Quick to react

Based on an online-background and briefing meeting with you (in Teams or Zoom), you can receive a preliminary proposal from us within 72 hours.

The Arbora Nordic Team

Arbora Nordic is a collaboration between HR-huset in Norway, Hanken & SSE Executive Education in Finland, Aventus in Sweden and Konsulenthuset ballisager in Denmark.

Together we offer HR-services in the entire Nordic region. We've got local representation in more than 55 places spread across the region.

Meet the team

FINLAND | Emilia Sainisalo | Growth Area Director Hanken & SSE Executive Education

Emilia High Res

SWEEDEN | Klaes Ekmark | CEO Aventus

Klaes Ekmark 300x300

DENMARK | Morten Ballisager | CEO and founder Konsulenthuset Ballisager

Morten Ballisager 300x300

NORWAY | Tone Odvold | CEO HR-huset

ASV HR Huset portretter web 08 utsnitt

Do you want more information about Arbora Nordic? Please do not hesitate to contact CEO at HR-huset, Tone Odvold, on +47 982 23 053 or by mail.

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